
Ntrepid headquarters, managed attribution solutions for government

What is Misattribution? Part 1: Digital Misattribution

Misattribution is a term used mostly within the national security community to refer to activities conducted under some kind of assumed identity. In this four-part series, I will go into detail about digital misattribution, operational misattribution, and misattribution challenges.

Ntrepid headquarters, managed attribution solutions for government

What Is Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)?

Open Source Intelligence, or OSINT, is intelligence developed from sources that are free, public, and legal to access. In the linked video, I discuss the history of OSINT, how OSINT is used and collected, and some examples of how OSINT has been used to great effect.

Ntrepid headquarters, managed attribution solutions for government

The DNC Hacker Indictment: A Lesson in Failed Misattribution

When reading the Mueller indictment of the Russian DNC hackers, I was stunned to see just how much visibility the US had into the hackers’ operations. In my recent Security Week article, I examine the hackers’ attempts to obfuscate their activities, and discuss what particular actions led to misattribution failure.

Ntrepid headquarters, managed attribution solutions for government

Investigating the Dark Web 101

The internet is in a state of exponential growth, producing high volumes of content that is available for public scrutiny, whether for social means or, in the case of the intelligence community, for security purposes. In the shadows of our increasingly digital world, the dark web has grown and gained...

Ntrepid headquarters, managed attribution solutions for government

Implications of Universal Facial Recognition

In my recent Security Week Article, “The Impending Facial Recognition Singularity,” I discuss how it is more difficult to remain anonymous, both online and off, these days. A major reason is that facial recognition systems are becoming cheaper, better, easier to use, and more widely deployed, while social media platforms...