Tag - nfusion

An image representing Google Dorking, a research technique requiring advanced OSINT training.

ChatGPT – Take It or Leave It 

Have you happened upon ChatGPT? It’s likely that when you first give it a try, you’ll imagine yourself delivering in record time those business strategies and research reports that your boss has been asking for. But, always consider the risks when using a new online research tool.

An image of a computer with a skull superimposed on it, representing accessing the dark web with the I2P network.

I2P: A Different Dark Web

To reach the realm of the dark web, the internet-savvy must make use of special browsers. While Tor is the most common dark web browser, popularly known as the Onion Router due to its layers of encryption, another dark web browser might be a better choice for your mission: I2P.

An image of a laptop with a skull on the screen, representing an image of the dark web.

What Is the Dark Web?

The dark web refers to the parts of the web that do not exist on typical browsers and sites, but rather on a network called Tor. Tor, often called the “onion router,” reroutes users’ traffic, ensuring all activities won’t be discovered by the typical internet lurker.

Ntrepid headquarters, managed attribution solutions for government

Dark Web Access for Investigations

  How Can I Access the Dark Web? The dark web can be accessed through the onion router, or Tor, which is a network that routes your internet traffic through a series of proxy servers, adding a layer of encryption each time. You may be wondering how to access this network. Fortunately,...