Tag - online research

Mitigating AI Bias

In the OSINT community—a shift in technology has amplified the speed and capacity at which information can be gathered: Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI can gather OSINT 24x7 without stopping to sleep or take a coffee break, like their human OSINT operator counterparts.

Ntrepid headquarters, managed attribution solutions for government

Platform Rate Limits: Effects on OSINT Missions

What Is a Rate Limit?   A rate limit is a restriction that websites use to limit the number of requests on a web server that a person can make over a specific time period. These websites will implement session- and IP-based limits to control the number of requests made to a...

discover deepfakes

OSINT Techniques: Discovering Deepfakes

Surely, you’ve run across outlandish videos on the internet that have utilized what’s known as the human image synthesis technique, or Deepfakes. Deepfake software allows users to swap out faces using AI. Although some are hilarious and some are just creepy, the threat of what deepfakes videos are capable of...