Tag - online research

man with glasses looking at a computer screen with blue overlay

OSINT Technologies: Safe Online Data Collection

Open source intelligence (OSINT) is considered publicly available information (PAI). OSINT, until the internet was introduced, included newspaper clippings and library resources. OSINT mediums are ever-changing, and therefore, collecting this information is both an art and a science. Finding the most effective and secure OSINT technologies have a lasting impact on investigations.  Conveying the sentiment coined by William Gibson,...

Breaking Down the OSINT Cycle

Transforming open source data into intelligence, or OSINT, has become increasingly complex over the last decade. Although more open sources are available to operators, the dramatic increase of false information and adversarial counter attacks online have made the collection of data an even more tedious process. Known as the OSINT...

blue vector banner with white data points connected by lines

COVID-19 Measures: Ntrepid Solutions Enable Telework

Transforming open source data into intelligence, or OSINT, has become increasingly complex over the last decade. Although more open sources are available to operators, the dramatic increase of false information and adversarial counter attacks online have made the collection of data an even more tedious process. Known as the OSINT...

Ntrepid headquarters, managed attribution solutions for government

Non-Technical Indicators: How to Blend in Online

When conducting intelligence operations, it is important to avoid attention.We have all heard the advice, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” but how do we achieve that when we are in Rome.com? What different factors will make us stand out from the crowd and attract unwanted attention during online operations? ...