Tag - open source intelligence

Breaking Down the OSINT Cycle

Transforming open source data into intelligence, or OSINT, has become increasingly complex over the last decade. Although more open sources are available to operators, the dramatic increase of false information and adversarial counter attacks online have made the collection of data an even more tedious process. Known as the OSINT...

Defining Active vs. Passive OSINT

Though the open web is typically just that—wide open for internet users to access—modern websites and popular social media platforms now require users to create accounts in order to enter. With this variation in barriers to data, online users have to adjust their information-collection methods in web spaces that are...

OSINT Investigations: The Benefits and Risks

Open source internet data is readily available for the average online user to find and utilize. For law enforcement officials, the public web can provide invaluable information to help advance their investigations. Resources on the open internet contain data that could easily enhance current findings or assist in constructing an...

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What Is Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)?

Open Source Intelligence, or OSINT, is intelligence developed from sources that are free, public, and legal to access. In the linked video, I discuss the history of OSINT, how OSINT is used and collected, and some examples of how OSINT has been used to great effect.